Step- By- Step Sustainability

Is taking meaningful climate action easier than we often think?

It’s easy to hold yourself accountable to ‘do better’ or ‘do more’ for the environment in everyday conversations, or after watching the latest David Attenborough documentary. But until you can understand the urgency and importance of what is at stake, there will be no drive in yourself to take, perhaps, the harder option to improve our current climate. I don’t believe that everyone needs to sell their car, go vegan and never buy new clothes. But I do believe people attach a high maintenance label to being environmentally friendly, which isn’t needed. I hope by reading this you can be inspired to take small steps that, if everyone did, will help future generations.

United Nations project claims there will be over 10 billion people on Earth by 2100. There will be more demand for supplies, and therefore if sustainable resources are not the alternative, the environmental damage will lead us to a dead-end. I don’t need to lecture you on this, I’m sure you can remember this all from Geography in school! However, let’s wake you up, and remind you of our current situation:

• Two-thirds of extreme weather events in the last 20 years were influenced by humans.

• Our summers and winters keep getting warmer: The UK experienced the hottest summer in 2018 since 2006. Data showed that such heatwaves are now 30 times more likely due to climate change.

• There’s more carbon dioxide in our atmosphere than at any time in human history.

• Indonesia will move its capital city as its current one is sinking: Sea levels are rising at the fastest rate in 3,000 years, three millimetres per year.• Average wildlife populations have dropped by 60 per cent in just over 40 years.

Now that we are on the same page, I thought about recording a list of small things I do to help stay sustainable. Now, I don’t want to claim I am perfect. I’m not. Do I drive somewhere that would only take 15 minutes because its raining? YES. Do I see a top online that I really want to buy? YES. But there are some really easy alternatives I’m hoping to spread the word about, I will link them at the bottom of the page!

1. Daye Tampons: I have recently ordered Daye Tampons as a monthly subscription. They are biodegradable, organic, compostable, water-based and use natural fibres. WOW! As well as that, they come in gorgeous wrappers and boxes, which are also recyclable. Here is a quote if you aren’t sold… 

‘Daye tampons only uses natural cotton fibres because they’re a much greener alternative to synthetic fibres (such as petroleum-derived ones), which aren’t biodegradable and contribute to microplastic pollution, and non-organic cotton, which requires toxic pesticides and herbicides to grow.’ 

2. World of Books: This is an amazing alternative to Amazon, though they may not have every book, they recycle used copies and sell them for cheaper. All the books I’ve ordered from here have been in perfect condition! Here it from them:  ‘we don’t believe that books should only be read once, or have a single owner. Literature should endure and be continually recycled, which is why we help millions of used books find new homes every year.’

3. Tala gym wear: Grace Beverly, THE POWER HOUSE OF FEMINISM AND SUSTAINABILITY, made her own business designing gorgeous gym and loungewear from sustainable materials such as, plastic bottles and material factory offcuts. I am obsessed with the quality, comfort and trends that TALA release; and at an affordable price!

‘We are TALA. We’re here to disrupt your wardrobe with our slow fashion approach to sustainable style that doesn’t break the bank, or our planet. TALA is the brand you always knew you wanted but could never quite find – affordable, sustainable styles without the need to compromise on high-performance pieces and flattering fits.’

I truly believe these are 3 easy and simple steps that the everyday person would do without thinking, which now provides a sustainable alternative. Sign up and order when you’re next in need of books, tampons or clothes!

Daye Tampons:

World of Books:


Website stats from:

Is taking meaningful climate action easier than we often think?