Leaks Show Labour Right-Wingers Tried To Make Corbyn LOSE Election

Alex Day breaks down the vital information from yesterday’s leaked report, which exposed how the Labour party’s right wing worked to sabotage Corbyn’s chances of winning the 2017 election.

By Alex Day

A shocking 860-page report was leaked last night, exposing a group of senior Labour party officials who made a concerted effort to sabotage Corbyn’s chances of victory in the neck-in-neck 2017 election.

The report, which includes a huge leaked cache of WhatsApp messages from senior party officials, falls short of exposing their exact identities. However, it illuminates a real conspiracy to destroy Labour politics deemed ‘too left’. Corbyn-supporting staff are deemed ‘trots’ by the right-wingers. ‘Everyone here considers anyone left of [Gordon] Brown to be a trot’, one message read.

Corbyn’s ex Chief of Staff Karie Murphy was misogynistically labelled a ‘bitch face cow’ ‘medusa’ that would ‘make a good dartboard’.

It is likely that this internal sabotage made the difference in the election result; the election came extraordinarily close to a Labour victory as Corbyn surged in the polls. Many Labour supporters saw the result as a kind of victory because the Conservatives no longer had a parliamentary majority.

The dossier exposes various right-wing Labour officials responding to this election result in a way you’d expect Tories to react. One message read that the result was ‘the opposite to what I had been working towards for the last couple of years’, whilst another right-winger wrote: ‘We will have to suck this up. The people have spoken. Bastards’.

Despite some arguing that the report was leaked to provide political distraction from allegations of the party’s anti-Semitism, the dossier itself argues that Labour’s efforts to root out this issue were curbed by its factional divisions.

In any case, the report makes clear that there was a concerted and united effort from the party’s right-wing to destroy the success of Corbyn’s campaign and assure his ideology died alongside him.

Labour’s new leader Keir Starmer now faces calls to launch full inquiries to tackle this proof of electoral sabotage within his party.

More to follow.

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Alex Day breaks down the vital information from yesterday’s leaked report, which exposed how the Labour party’s right wing worked to sabotage Corbyn’s chances of winning the 2017 election.